
We are constantly looking for interesting, motivated and outstanding people to join our teams in Munich, Leipzig, London and Paris. People who, like us, enjoy challenging tasks and complete them successfully; people who do their job because they love it.

At PAYMILL you will find a relaxed and friendly atmosphere between colleagues. The result of our work is driven by focusing on the product itself, the benefits it provides our customers and the PAYMILL vision. Our values, some of which include, thinking innovatively, acting professionally, valuing each other and striving for excellence, determine our everyday lives.

At PAYMILL your welfare is important to us and so, to help develop our company culture, we strive to enhance your skillset both professionally and personally. For example by offering the opportunity to play table football or Play Station and supplying fresh fruits, snacks and cold drinks!

We look forward to your application!

  1. Whether you are interested in a position already advertised by PAYMILL or you would like to apply speculatively, please submit your application to us via e-mail to [email protected]. Your application should consist of a covering letter and CV, detailing what qualifications you have and what you could bring to the team. Certificates and other proof of international experience would be complimentary to your application. In addition we would like to know your earliest possible start date, together with your salary requirements.
  2. Once received, your application and documents will be reviewed by us in detail as soon as possible, and we will send you feedback within a couple of days.
  3. If we believe you are a match for the position advertised, we will invite you to an interview. Different departments vary in their recruitment processes, however, usually we require a phone interview before face-to-face interviews take place. We believe it is necessary for us to get to know you, to answer any questions you may have and to figure out if you and PAYMILL fit well together. We believe it is not only an important decision for us, but also for you as you have to decide whether you’d like to achieve the same goals as we do.
  4. Following the interview, we will decide whether we believe you are a suitable fit for our team. This gives us a chance to review your interview and gives you the opportunity to decide if PAYMILL fits in with your goals and expectations. After a few days we provide each other with feedback.
  5. As soon as you have been offered a role and we agree upon the contract terms, we’d like to welcome you to the PAYMILL team! From day one you will get to know the PAYMILL family and gain valuable experience working in our exciting and supportive environment. We look forward to your application!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Chantal Glaser either by phone +49 (0) 89 / 189 045 - 151 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Our current job offers:

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