Welcome to The Mill, our weekly roundup of the hottest startup stories and resources to hit the web from the past week. Curated by the PAYMILL team, here’s what grabbed our attention this past week.
This week in startups
3 Ways to Validate Your App Idea and Launch Quickly: Everyone has an idea, and since mobile is a hot topic today – it feels like it’s always an app idea folks are pitching. The point is, even if you think you’ve got a killer idea on your hands, you need to test and validate the business potential first. Which is what Rahul Varshneya outlines just how to do it over at Entrepreneur.com
How much does it cost to build the world’s hottest startups?: Ever wondered what it takes to build the next Twitter or Instagram? Well read on, because TNW interviewed the heads of the top Web and mobile development companies, incubators, agencies and labs to find out how much it costs and the time needed to build an app worth billions.
How 3 Startups Use Data to Improve Ecommerce Sales: It goes without saying that this post is going to be about what metrics to track. Mashable’s Tracey Wallace spoke with three founders and data specialists to find out which metrics are essential for finding out which products are doing good and how you can boost sales.
14 Best Ways to Find Customers to Interview: A massive part of validating your idea is through customer development. Sure you can stay holed up in your bat cave, but you will never really know what real-life people are after. The best thing you can do, is get out, speak to as many potential customers to figure out where to focus your attention on. Over on his blog, Mike Fishbein helps you get started with customer development by outlining fourteen ways to find your target audience.
Photo by laffy4k via Flickr
Kima Ventures’ Kima15.com brings clarity & transparency to their ‘fast and simple’ investment strategy: Seed stage VC firm, Kima Ventures announced a new program called Kima15 this week. And it couldn’t be more simple, the program looks to invest $150K for a 15% stake in startups. But then again the VC firm is known for making investment decisions quickly, hence the simplicity with their program and the publication of their term sheet available here.
Did we miss something? Let us know by commenting below.